
A minute after they left, the FAZ journalist arrived and we could have pretended that we had only been travelling this way and that was all. Nevertheless, we told him the story of the last three days – honesty is the best policy – and so we had a quick, rainy but effective shoot.
Another appointment got us up early. A FAZ journalist wanted to meet us at Teldau, as this was the nearest town to his catchment area. Win and Lin had already taken care of the food this time too and we wondered how much sleep the two of them had actually gotten while we were with them. Remo was also already there, ready to go. After a quick breakfast, we packed our things on the trailer for what was hopefully the last time and set off. On the way, the reporter from the FAZ got in touch and due to time pressure on his part, we agreed on a place in the middle. The new meeting point was to be Dömitz on the dike. Remo really pushed the pedal to the metal and I tried to recap yesterday during the journey, but unfortunately it didn’t really work. We reached the meeting point first, unloaded everything in no time and loaded the Tastdem for the onward journey. Everything was ready in record time and we said goodbye to the incredibly lovely three of them.
From Dömitz to Hitzacker
We made good progress in what was actually perfect travel weather, cloudy, temperatures of 18 degrees and a light wind from the front. We tried flying a drone again to capture some nice pictures and arrived in Hitzeacker around midday. We knew our way around there quite well, as we had locked ourselves in a holiday apartment there three years ago to write a children’s musical. We converted the trailer from the compact, quick version to a mobile stage and drove through the beautiful little town. We were craving pasta and headed for the only Italian restaurant in town. When we got there, we drove past the guests playing music and before we could stop, the owner came angrily to the window, shouting something that was incomprehensible. We had already put everything down to sit down when he came out and rudely made it clear to us that this wasn’t a street and that we should get out of here. OK, crazy!!! This type of person is just a part of life, even if they fortunately only make up a small percentage. So, keep your dignity, avoid pasta and spend your money somewhere else where we are wanted and can eat with a good feeling.

A pizza satisfied our hunger quite well and I retreated to the toilet for half an hour, as there I at least found the peace and quiet to continue yesterday’s blog post a little. Andreas, meanwhile, tried to lure me out with pieces that we normally play four-handed.
Once outside again, there was a surprising reunion with Silke, a dance teacher from Halle for whom I had accompanied a dance theater piece many years ago. Fortunately, she too has come through the Corona period quite well and is not giving up. While I chatted with Silke, Andreas improvised with a very alternative-looking woman who persuaded us to stop by her place on our way to Lüneburg and play a birthday serenade for her friend. Since it was really on the way and she couldn’t offer us beer or schnapps like in the Czech Republic, but could offer us nettle smoothie, we decided to say yes. It just sounded too crazy to turn down. An hour later we were in Göhrde and were playing on the farm, where we were already happily awaited, apart from the dog. We were a bit suspicious of him at first. Of course we played for the birthday girl, got the promised smoothie, which tasted really delicious, and improvised together with the lovely people who also brought a violin and two guitars. One of the women sang two of her own songs, which I really liked. One of them was a wonderful song that listed all the good and positive things that you have inside you and that can make you a happy person. A perfect children’s lullaby or birthday song. So beautiful that I really want to learn it.

We had to be careful not to lose track of time, as we still had a long way to go, so we continued cycling. Away from the relaxed atmosphere, the prospect of a campfire and more nettle smoothie.
It’s true, the Wendland is a dream landscape. So many cute and sweet villages with old, well-maintained half-timbered houses and many old deciduous trees that stand everywhere along the way like good sentinels. Then the well-developed cycle paths and, well, the great hilly landscape, which looks beautiful, but can be very challenging with two hundred and fifty kilograms on the clutch. But we didn’t give up and pushed through until ten kilometers before Lüneburg, where we pitched our tents between two corn fields with sore bottoms and fell asleep immediately.

Next entry: Lüneburg is a dream. Eighty kilometers by car is not.
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